I'll post a picture of Zoe with her 2 month sticker later...also, I'll give an update from the doctor's office after our 2 month visit on Thursday. However, she is napping for once and while I'm sure there are other things I could be doing, I was productive yesterday so...yeah, blogging is where it's at today!
Miss Zoe is doing so well! She had a growth spurt between Christmas and New Year's so it will be interesting to see how she weighs in this week. My mom saw her Christmas Day and not again until January 2 and she was floored by how much more 'solid' she felt. I see what she means. It seems like she went from still being a fragile newborn to being...well, solid. Not quite so fragile.
She's getting better with a sleep schedule. It's still all over the place, but most nights we can get her down around 8 or so and she wakes up between 2 and 3 for a feeding and then at 6. Sometimes at 6 we'll go ahead and get up for the day and sometimes we really want to sleep some more so she'll go down for another hour or so.
Haha! There she goes! Guess the nap's over:-P More later!