Sunday, December 5, 2010

Growing Big and Strong

Well, Miss Zoe has certainly made life interesting! As I write this, it is just before 10 on Sunday night and Daddy is in bed, resting up for work tomorrow and I'm writing this with a lump of a baby on my chest. Sacked. Out. Now I know all you moms out there are screaming, go to bed crazy woman! She's's your chance! Well, this little bug will sleep through just about anything...except she doesn't much like sleeping unless someone's holding her. Not sure if that's for the warmth or the movement or the heartbeat or what. But she can be a complete sack of potatoes and you put her down and within 15 minutes she's crying. And of course you pick her up and she's great. Everything I've read has said you can't spoil them yet and should pick them up when crying...something to do with security, etc. But I tell you what...there's got to be SOME points where I don't have a baby attached to me (apparently not, as is evidenced by my current situation).

So. What is our current situation? Well, we hit the 3 week mark this week and I think that was a big turning point for us. First off, we have a bit more of a schedule going. Nights are tough, but we've got it where we each get at least 5-6 hours total sleep each night and sometimes even more. Zoe is sleeping in her room and does pretty well sleeping from 2-5 and then 6-9 or so. Not great, but for not even being a month yet, I think we're doing alright.

Also, the breastfeeding is still all over the place, but at least I have a process I follow now that helps give me a limit for how long we keep trying. She's getting 80% or so breastmilk which is pretty good so we're going with it.

She's growing!! This was the first week we could really see it for sure. It's funny because when you see your friends' babies you see them periodically so you can really see the changes distinctly. When it's your own baby, you see them every day so the little changes are harder to see. We really noticed the difference when we put her in the same hat she came home from the hospital in. In the hospital, she was swimming in the hat. It was almost ridiculous for her to even attempt to wear it. Now, it fits her perfectly...might even be a little on the small side! And the few newborn clothes we have for her fit just right...and won't for much longer. I guess it was just the first thing we could really see as a measurable change. Crazy!

She's also a little more alert! She usually has a good half hour or so...maybe more where she's awake after her morning feeding. So, we lay on the mat and I let her have a little tummy time so she can work out those muscles! It's great to be able to see her looking around and taking in what's around her. I know she can't see much of anything yet, but she'll get there! Apparently their first real smiles happen for many between 4 and 6 weeks which is almost where we're at! That will be awesome. Of course, she can't flip over or anything yet, but if she's on her tummy she can lift her head and move it from one side to the other...hey, it's something! I'll try to get a video clip of it one of these days.

Well, that's it for now. We're hangin' in. So sorry if we haven't responded to all the calls/emails/etc. We've been a bit busy! Oh! Stephen won an award at work! One that he's always been ethically opposed to and that he's always said if he wins, he'll refuse. Well...that was before he realized there was a monetary award attached to that amounted to about the same as what I'm missing out on by staying home for 2 months. Well...yeah, he took the award:-P Hooray!


  1. Do we get a photo of said hat fitting?

    Not that it is necessarily my hat, but could you let me know when it does fit her? I'm trying to adjust the sizing and since I don't have any actual babies to try them on, it is a bit difficult.

    You can DO it!

  2. Kudos to you for sticking with nursing, even though it's hard.
