Friday, May 20, 2011

Half Birthdays

So, Miss Zoe celebrated her half birthday last week! Well, by celebrated, I really mean we went to the doctor for our 6 month visit. Hooray.

So, here's the update as far as that goes. She was 16.5 pounds, 25.75 inches. 60th percentile for weight and head circumference, 50th percentile for length. There's still hope this little one won't be a shortly like me! Time will tell and of course if she is, that's just fine:-) She can start playing with a sippy cup to get her 'cup ready' for when she turns 1. She's been eating solids but now we can start making that a more regular thing. We've tried rice cereal, oatmeal cereal and whole grain (oats, barley, and spelt) cereal. She prefers the oatmeal and whole grain the most. We've also had bananas, avocado, pears, and sweet potatoes. She LOVES avocado (of course, the most expensive of all). Bananas were weird at first, but that was the first 'non-rice cereal' solid so we're good now. Pears are cool (although a pain in the butt to make, let me tell you). Sweet potatoes, while they are MY personal favorite are a no-go. She eats about 2 bites and then starts crying. Then promptly chows down when I give her some oatmeal cereal. Ah well. Guess it's mashed sweet potatoes for lunch for me then!

She's right on target for developmental milestones. She can grab things, bear all her weight on her legs, bounce (we got a bouncer...I think I have some videos that I'll include when I put the pictures up). If she's standing and you hold her at the waist, she can bend over and pick things up. She can put her feet in the mouth (and insists on doing so and attempting to roll over at every diaper change). She can fully turn over from back to stomach both ways (although one way is DEFINITELY the preferred way). She can also go from stomach to back, but sometimes forgets how to do it and starts flailing and crying until someone gives in and picks her up. Her newest exciting trick is she can finally sit independently. She still topples a lot so you can't really get up while she's doing it, but she can sit for several minutes on her own. It helps to put a toy in front of her so she's leaning forward to get her going.

We think she's getting frustrated that she can't get anywhere...Stephen's like, 'I'll be so happy when she can crawl' while I'm thinking...oh, honey you're going to eat your words! But she is much more interactive now.

She's still spitting up a lot although now we have 'spitty days' where she's like she used to be and then some days it's just a little bit. Hopefully that will be tapering off soon. We had our first excursion to the gym nursery. Yes, I know, we'll probably have more sickies because of it, but it gets her out and allows me to try to make a dent in this weight loss (I've only lost 5 pounds, but I'm on the way down...and I cinched in my belt a notch so it's slow but there). Plus, the people in the nursery are awesome. We'll just have to see how it goes.

Sleep. Holy cow, that is our current battle. She's sleeping about 3 hours total throughout the day (pretty normal for her age). She's consistent about it (45min-1 1/2 hours per nap...usually the long one in the morning with 2 45 minutes throughout the rest of the day) and our schedule during the day is fairly predictable. I'm still figuring out when to feed her and whatnot, especially with the solids becoming more prevalent. However, it's ever-changing so I don't stress too much. We have a pretty good system right now.

Nighttime. OK, so still not bad in terms of going to bed. She was going to sleep around 7, but we're trying to push it back a little bit to more like 7:30 or maybe even 8 eventually. I know 7 is fairly normal for this age, but here's the problem: she wakes up (and I mean, WAKES babbling and, 'hello, I'm awake now, time to get up' kind of awake) somewhere between 4 and 5. YES. 4...and 5... Ugh. She sleeps great through the night...we mostly don't hear a peep until that wakeup, but then about 4:30 or so, we start to hear the babbling. Which is bad, because crying means I'm still pretty much asleep and I might go back to sleep. Babbling means I'm awake and it's time to get up. The doctor suggested we let her babble and she might eventually drift back to sleep. Sometimes she does, but she'll only sleep another half hour at most. Meanwhile, the whole time she's babbling we're awake! Now, I know I shouldn't be complaining. 4:30 is not horrible, just go to bed earlier! Well, currently I'm dealing with a little thing called 'finals' which means pretty much Monday through Thursday I'm at the center until 8:30ish every night. Meaning we don't eat dinner until 9:30. Meaning we don't get to bed until 10:30 at the earliest...usually more like 11 or 11:30. And then up at 4 or so. Every day. And since I have to do this every day, Stephen can't get up with her ever because HE has to get up and go to work in order to make enough hours to be home in time for me to go to work. So if you're wondering why I haven't been keeping up with people and sharing pictures and writing emails and whatnot, it's because I LITERALLY have no time. I wake up at 4:30, take care of Zoe, take a nap with her when she does during the first one (so I can actually DO advanced trigonometry in the evening), get back up with her, shower and eat lunch during the second nap, play with her, go to work, come home, eat, go to bed. And begin again.

Thankfully, the summer is near! And my schedule will be much better. Private tutoring one night a week, work at the center one night and Saturday morning and that. Is. It. I think Stephen's counting the days to when he doesn't have to be home at 3:00 every day:-) Anyway, that babbling I was talking about? Well, I'm hearing it over the monitor so off I go! I'll try to post pictures during nap #2 (I sacrificed today's nap to do this...but it's all good because no work today!).

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