Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fairy Princesses

At the Muny (for the first time in years) and everywhere I look there are little girls in dresses and tiaras:-)  and I can't help thinking that mine will be one of them someday!  Hooray for little girls!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Oh, Kitties...

Kira likes the pregnancy pillow...

It's a...

Yes, yes, yes...we did find out what we're having, as many of you knew we were going to. The ultrasound tech said she's '90% sure it's a girl'. Which basically means that it is. She just said she says that to everyone who's having a girl because it's harder to distinguish. So...girl. Ironically enough, I only had a few people predict and every single person predicted a boy...except the owner of the French restaurant in Breckenridge we had brunch at over Memorial Day. She said that sometimes she's wrong, but she predicted a girl. Hillarious. Anyway, otherwise, everything looks awesome. She didn't see absolutely anything that would indicate any issues which is, of course, what we were really wanting to hear.

And no, we don't have a name yet. So don't ask:-P Just kidding. Well, we really don't know so you can ask, but it won't make a difference anyway!

Baby At 18 Weeks

Probably the best profile pic we have. Baby was moving around quite a bit!

The obligatory 'alien baby' picture. Gotta have one of those:-P

Feetsies:-) The ultrasound tech thought this was the best! She was like, 'I just wanna kiss 'em!'

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So...yesterday I was laying on the couch when just for a moment, I felt my tummy twitch.  Kinda like when you have a muscle spasm only it was much lighter and only lasted for a second.  I didn't really think anything of it because it just felt like a normal muscle twitch but I did notice it.

But then I felt it again today and I remembered how many people have mentioned feeling the baby move as a 'fluttering' at first.  Well, a muscle twitching can kind of feel like a fluttering.  So, I looked it up on the internet (I know...I banned myself from the internet, but this is for something in the 'non-freakout category') and it turns out many people describe it as feeling like a muscle twitch!  Well...was it baby?  I don't know...but it's exciting all the same!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Almost 17 Weeks!

I'll be 17 weeks in 2 days.  I swear I have only gained 4 pounds at MOST.  Crazy...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Holding Pattern

So, I'm in that awkward stage of pregnancy where most of the first trimester pregnancy symptoms are I feel much better, yay! But I can't feel the baby yet and I'm not huge yet (although I'm working on it, let me tell you!). So...I feel kind of like I'm in a holding pattern. It's kind of like I'm waiting for the next big thing.

We went to our third doctor's visit on Tuesday! My doctor was back after being on maternity leave which was great so Stephen could actually meet her. God love her, my doctor is awesome, but she has at this point called me every variation of Elizabeth EXCEPT for always makes me laugh. This time I was 'Liz'. We talked about a few concerns (like the adolescent explosion going on my chin and the fact that NOT exercising is just fine...especially since I've gained a grand total of half a pound so far). We measured my belly...don't know what it was, but apparently it was fine. AND...we heard the heartbeat again! And apparently baby was active because you could hear this strong heartbeat and then a big whooshing sound which the doctor said was the baby moving around. Yay!

We also scheduled our anatomy ultrasound which checks organs like the brain, heart, liver, etc. AND...genitalia! So, here I thought it might be mid-July or even early August before we know what we're having and we may find out at the end of the month which is just amazing to me! Exciting! I feel like when I can call the baby 'she' or 'he' instead of 'it' will feel more real. That and feeling the baby...which really could happen as early as next week or

Well, I'll take a picture of myself later today when Stephen gets home...please do not pay attention to all the acne on my face...maybe we'll just do a neck-down photo...:-D