Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kinda magical...

So, as of this morning I still had not heard back from the doctor about my glucose tolerance test. Not surprising given that I took it on Wednesday last week and yesterday was a holiday. On the other had, it had been almost a full week and I kinda wanted to know if something was wrong so I could take action towards fixing it. The receptionist confirmed that my results had, in fact, come back and she said she would have the nurse call me back with the results.

Let the waiting game begin.

Luckily, the nurse called back only an hour or two later and my test was normal! Whoopee! One less thing to worry about. Not that I've been scarfing ice cream or anything crazy. However, Stephen pointed out that now I can go back to consuming my original quota of multiple nectarines a day guilt-free. I better get on it as they're going out of season! Maybe Baby Zoe will figure that out and turn her attention to apples (of which we have several small ones ready to be picked in the back yard...).

I'm starting to get slightly nervous. Not in the anxious, panicky way. More like the reality that I'm that close to becoming a mom is so much more real now than it was months ago...hell, even a week ago. The other day I actually took a moment to look forward toward the upcoming weekends and I realized that with baby showers, baby/birthing classes, and a few other random events, we have several pretty packed weekends. All the way until...well, early November. And then...

Um, yeah...then we're just about ready to have a baby. Yikes!

But while I am getting a little more antsy about reality, I am also so excited. I think Stephen is getting there, too. I can detect a little smile in his voice when I start to wake up in the morning and she starts kicking so he can feel it in his back. I can't help but laugh when she gives a good strong kick out of nowhere (even if it's in the middle of the doctor's office). It really is kind of magical...

1 comment:

  1. I remember driving somewhere with my husband the Saturday before my son was born and I started crying because it was the last weekend we were going to be just the two of us. It was both a sad and happy cry. Enjoy those weekends and the magic...it's a different magic when they are here, but all good just the same. :-)
