Monday, October 25, 2010

35 1/2 Weeks

Alright. So now I get why women get to that point in the pregnancy where they just say 'enough already!' I'm still doing quite well. Swelling only in my hands mostly and definitely more heartburn, but nothing I can't manage. But I'm definitely having moments where all I want to do is lay down on the couch. Sleeping has been harder...but I'm not complaining because I don't have to get up by a certain time any day so if I don't sleep well, I just take an extra few hours after Stephen gets up.

We're getting anxious!! Not that we'd ever really be 'ready'...but I think we're as ready as we're going to be! We are going to a 'new parent' class in 2 weeks which I'm actually looking forward to. I've taken care of a lot of kiddos, but not for awhile and the youngest was 3-4 months I think. So it will be interesting with a newborn. But we'll do great, I think. And any mistakes we make...well, my mom keeps saying babies bounce back pretty easily so I'll just keep that mantra in my head as we're trying to get through the first month or so.

I've been asked if I'm nervous about the birth and the truth is, I'm really not. Now, ask me when I'm in labor and I may have a different answer! But, I have trust in my body knowing what to do and the nurses and doctors helping me through the rest. I'm trying to go with an open mind. I'm not planning on getting pain meds right away, but I have nothing against taking them if needed. I've heard so many stories about long labors and short labors and c-sections, etc. so I'm just going to go with the flow. Soooo...I guess it's no use getting worked up about something I have little control over anyway. We'll just have to see!

Oh! And the best recent news is my coworkers threw me a surprise baby shower!! It was so nice! They rented a room at a nice Italian place and all! Stephen got me there under the guise that we were going to Park Meadows to do some shopping and I got all the way to the lobby without having a CLUE what was going on. Apparently they had been planning this for a month or more! They also included my mom which was very thoughtful since she's been dealing with my dad mostly. It was nice for her to have a break and get excited about the baby coming. Many thanks to everyone that attended and helped out. An extra special thanks for Deb and Meena because it seems like they did the majority of the organizing (but I know everyone contributed, so thanks to all!). My favorite part was doing the string game where they had to guess the length around my belly by cutting off pieces of string. They were all WAY over:-P (See, I'm not as big as you all think I am!) But LuAnn only had about an inch over...while my mom had enough for an extra belly :-D All in all, it was a great event:-)

We see the doctor on Friday (36 weeks!) and we'll get an ultrasound so I'll update with pics from that (if we get any) and any information we get. Hooray!

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