Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Birthing Classes and Feeling Overwhelmed (thanks, Babies R Us)

So this past weekend we attended our birthing class. We did the express class which combines what usually is 3-3 hours sessions into 1 full day experience. I know, contain your excitement! The 3 hour sessions were only offered on Thursday night, though and I didn't think my boss would much appreciate me taking off for three Thursdays in a row:-P Of course, I was super tired as I had to get up at 7 (shut it...I don't work until 1 at the earliest and as I'm not getting up for exercise classes at the moment, there is frequently a "9" at the front of the time when I get up in the morning these days) and of course within the first hour they showed the first segment of the movie which was like, can I take a nap now? Please?

Truth is, I definitely learned some things and it was awesome to take the tour and see the unit and get a sense for how things will go. I will say that if you've seen as many Baby Story's and Deliver Me: Home Editions and Bring Home Baby's and Birth Day's as I have (man that's a lot...I swear I'm not baby crazy) much of the material was stuff I had already heard. It was good to have them confirm that what I'd been seeing on TV was fairly normal, though.

Stephen, however, knew just about 5% of what we learned in the class so I think he felt much better after going through things. I also think he was exhausted by the end with all the information that was delivered. He's getting more and more excited...it's kind of cute to watch! Yesterday he actually was like, I want November to hurry up and get here...I want to meet her now! I keep telling him to enjoy the last few weeks of freedom while he's got them...but I think we're both ready for that loss of freedom. Well, I don't know if we're REALLY ready for what's to come (who is, really) but we're as ready as we're going to be.

After the birthing class, we realized that while we still have several weeks left, we're beginning to enter that 'it could really happen at any time' stage. Hopefully she'll hold off for AT LEAST 3-4 more weeks, but you never know at this point. So...we made a trip to Babies R Us on Sunday so we could gather a few absolutely essential items just to make sure we have them. Like, oh, a thermometer and some bottles, etc. I tell ya, every time I go into the store, I get overwhelmed! At least they keep it fairly compartmentalized so you can be sufficiently overwhelmed by just ONE category at a time. We made it out in one piece, thank goodness, and now feel a little better about what we have immediately on hand. Many thanks to the woman in the bottles area who suggested to start we just buy 1 of each kind of bottle instead of several of one...so we can see which one she likes and get more of those. Good thinking! We also spent a good portion of Sunday night unpacking things from the shower and getting the room a little more...well, like a room. We're getting there!

Right now we have someone setting up the baby room so Stephen can install the ceiling fan. Don't want it to get too hot in there in the summer...and she needs to have the obligatory fan to watch in wonderment, right? :-)

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