Monday, July 12, 2010


No, I don't have sudden crazy cravings for popcorn (although that doesn't sound half bad right now...). The title is in reference to the little bug moving around in there! As of about Thursday, I officially can feel her moving around periodically. I've discovered that what I felt before was definitely movement, but it was just barely starting up. I still think it feels kind of like a quick muscle spasm...but when they happen constantly, you pretty much know they can only be one thing!

My mom had described the feeling as 'popcorn' and, for me, I find this description more accurate than the normal 'butterflies fluttering' description. It's kind of like little bubbles are popping lightly. And boy, is she an active little bugger! When she gets going, she doesn't really stop for several minutes...and then maybe an hour or so goes by and she starts up again. I know, I will probably be much more regular as we move forward, but I think what makes it feel so remarkable is how it was almost like a switch. Wednesday, I was lucky if I felt even one little pop. Thursday, I could feel little pops every minute or so in spurts. Just amazing. Like my friend at work said, 'well, now she's just big enough you can actually feel her!'. I suppose when she gets big enough, you feel it all!

In other news, I'm feeling pretty good! I get tired after meals, especially lunch and dinner. I have a decent amount of energy otherwise, but it's so hard to stay motivated after a larger meal. Stephen and I are desperately trying to get the house in some shape so that we have storage and can actually see how furniture will start to look in the baby room. We haven't registered or anything yet, but I think we're going to stick with our original plan of an animal theme (think more zoo animals and less farm animals). So far we've been lucky with furniture. My parents have a rocking chair they've said we can have and some of you know about our lucky purchase on Craigslist for our changing table. Great thanks goes out to my Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Tom for letting us use their crib and bassinet! I think my Aunt Jennifer's right. I'm certainly excited about not having to worry about the cost of buying a crib on our own, but I'm equally as excited about not have to go through the process of picking out a crib! The less decisions to make, the better, I say.

Next doctor's appointment is July 30th. Until then, the plan is to get the baby's room cleared of boxes and such and start visualizing what needs to be done to make it a full blown baby room!

PS - Many of you asked while I was in town over the 4th if I would be in again for a potential baby shower. The answer is: I'll keep you posted. I'm going to talk to the doctor on the 30th about when's the latest I can travel and how to do it and hopefully, I'll be back! We'll see, though. Many, many thanks to all of those that offered their homes and whatnot to hold one. Again, I will let you know!

Baby's bopping around! Must have been that strawberry limeade I just had... :-)

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