Tuesday, August 17, 2010

100 Days!

Today marks the '100 days left' mark! Hooray! Still feels like a loooong time, but I know it will be here sooner than I'll probably be ready for it.

'Baby stuff' has been kind of put on hold for the last few weeks while we've been walking through my dad's new cancer diagnosis. We're keeping our fingers crossed and trying to stay positive. I think it will be easier for everyone (including Dad) once we know what the plan is and what to expect. Prognosis is pretty good so that's positive...it's more a question of how changed his quality of life will be. But I know that regardless of the decisions, we'll work through it and support him through the recovery process.

On top of THAT, we're remodeling our kitchen. NOT INTENTIONALLY...well, not exactly. Essentially it went from installing a new cabinet and replacing an old one to redoing the floor and getting new appliances.

Yes, we are that crazy.

I won't go into the details, but I will say that getting all new appliances was NOT my idea (so don't blame the crazy pregnant woman). Stephen just suggested that we could get more of a discount and be able to do it interest free for awhile until we get our refund back next year which will be used to pay that off. Appliances are being delivered on Friday and hopefully we can get a really good start on tiling the floor this weekend and be done...well, who knows when but hopefully soon:-)

So...busy, busy! At least it's been cooling off lately...let's keep that coming!

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